Country Successfully Deploys 8,738 Operational Public Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles

ev charging

In Phase-II of the FAME-India initiative, purchasers of electric vehicles are offered incentives in the form of upfront deductions from the purchase price. These incentives are directly tied to the battery capacity of the electric vehicles.

As of June 30, according to data from the power ministry’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), the country has a total of 8,738 operational public charging stations (PCS). These stations are made available as part of Phase-II of the FAME-India program.

In this phase, purchasers of electric vehicles are eligible for incentives in the form of upfront deductions on the vehicle’s purchase price. The amount of incentive is directly linked to the battery capacity, where for E-3W and E-4W, it is set at Rs 10,000/kWh, with a maximum cap of 20% of the vehicle’s cost. Starting from June 1, the incentive for E-2W has been established at Rs 10,000/kWh with a cap of 15% of the vehicle’s cost.

On May 12, the government granted approval for the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) program aimed at establishing Advanced Chemistry Cells (ACCs) within the country. The scheme is allotted a total budget of Rs. 18,100 crores, which will be disbursed over a duration of 5 years. Its primary objective is to foster the creation of a competitive ACC battery manufacturing setup, capable of producing 50 GW in the country.

Furthermore, the scheme encompasses 5GWh specific ACC technologies as well. It introduces a generation-linked subsidy approach, determined by the subsidy applicable per kilowatt and a percentage of the value addition achieved on the actual sales executed by the manufacturers who establish generation units.

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