Vehicle National Permit: How to Check Status, Make Payment & Get Your Receipt of Permit in 2023

A national permit is a type of permit issued by the government that allows a vehicle to be driven in any state within a country. National permits are typically applicable to commercial vehicles, such as buses and trucks, and are designed to facilitate the movement of these vehicles between different states.

national permit

To obtain a vehicle national permit, the owner of the vehicle must apply to the appropriate government authority, such as the Regional Transport Office (RTO) or the State Transport Authority (STA). The application process typically involves submitting various documents, such as proof of ownership, insurance, and fitness certificate and paying the required fees.

Once issued, a national permit is valid for a specified period of time. The vehicle permit can be renewed upon expiration by submitting a renewal application and paying the necessary fees. It is important to note that national permits are not required for private vehicles and are only applicable to commercial vehicles. Private vehicles can generally be driven anywhere in a country with a valid state-level registration and insurance.

Documents Required for National Permit

For an Indian national vehicle permit, the following paperwork may be needed:

  1. Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC): A registration certificate is proof that the vehicle is registered in India.
  2. Insurance: In order to obtain a national permit in India, you must have a current insurance policy.
  3. Fitness certificate: A fitness certificate is a document that attests to the vehicle’s good health and compliance with all necessary safety requirements.
  4. Pollution Under Control Certificate (PUUC): This certificate is a document issued by the government that certifies a vehicle meets the required emissions standards and is not causing air pollution.
  5. Additional paperwork: Additional paperwork, such as a permit application form, and a tax clearance certificate like for Green Tax, may be needed depending on the specific regulations of the issuing authority.
  6. National Permit Fee Receipt
  7. RTO Form 46
  8. RTO Form 48

Please Note: It is crucial to confirm the specific documents needed for obtaining a national permit for a vehicle in India with the relevant government agency, such as the Regional Transport Office (RTO) or the State Transport Authority (STA).

How to Get a National Permit?

To apply for a national permit based you will need to follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Determine the issuing authority: In India, national permits are typically issued by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) or the State Transport Authority (STA). Determine which agency is responsible for issuing national permits in the area where you will be driving your vehicle.
  2. Gather the required documents: To apply for a national permit, you will need to provide various documents, such as proof of ownership, insurance, and fitness certificate as mentioned above. You may also need to provide a permit application form, a green tax clearance certificate, and a pollution under control certificate.
  3. Submit the application: Contact the issuing authority to determine where and how to submit your national permit application. You may need to submit the application with RTO forms 46 & 48.
  4. Pay the fees: There may be fees associated with obtaining a vehicle national permit, such as application fees, permit fees, and tax fees. Pay the required fees.
  5. Wait for approval: Once you have submitted your application and paid the fees, the issuing authority will review your application and determine if you are eligible for a national permit. If your application is approved, you will receive the national permit.

It is important to carefully read and follow all instructions provided by the issuing authority when applying for a national permit. Be sure to submit all required documents and pay any fees on time to avoid delays or rejection of your application.

How to Pay for a National Permit Online?

After applying for a vehicle national permit, you may wonder how to make national permit payment online. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in India has made this process easy through its Parivahan Sewa portal. Here’s how to make a national permit online payment:

  1. Go to the Parivahan Sewa portal,
  2. Click on the ‘More’ button below “National Permit” under the “Vehicle Related Services” section.
  3. Under the “Payment and Transaction Status” section, select “Online Payment of National Permit”.
  4. You will be taken to a new page where you will need to enter your vehicle’s registration number and the last five characters of your chassis number.
  5. Make the fee payment using a credit card or online banking.

After you make the national permit payment & provided with the national permit number, you will receive authorization to operate your vehicle throughout India.

How to Check National Permit Status Online?

If you have recently applied for a national permit for your vehicle, you may be wondering when you will receive the permit details. Once you have submitted all the required documents and made the necessary payment, it can take a few days for the issuing authority to process your application and issue the permit. To stay informed about the status of your application, you can check it online. To check the status of your national permit application, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the Parivahan Sewa portal by typing the URL in your browser or searching for it on Google.
  2. On the homepage, look for the “Online Services” section and select “National Permit”
  3. On the new page, you will be prompted to enter your vehicle’s registration number and the last five characters of the chassis number.
  4. Click on “Check Status” or a similar button, and you will be able to see the current status of your application.

By following these steps, you can easily check the status of your national permit application online. This will allow you to stay informed about the progress of your application and know when you can expect to receive the permit details for your vehicle.

Vehicle National Permit Fee Structure

The fee structure for a national permit for a vehicle in India varies depending on several factors, such as the type of vehicle, the duration of the permit, and the number of states in which the permit is valid. It’s important to note that the national permit fee structure is subject to change and it is advisable to check with the issuing authority for the current fee structure and any additional charges that may apply.

Type of VehicleFee PayablePermit Period
Light goods Vehicle (LGV)Rs. 2015/-
Rs. 500 (authorization)
5 yrs.
1 yrs.
Heavy Goods VehicleRs. 2515/-5 yrs.

In addition to the standard fee, there may be additional charges for certain services, such as the issuance of a duplicate permit or the renewal of an expired permit. It’s important to note that the national permit fee structure is subject to change and it is advisable to check with the issuing authority for the current fee structure and any additional charges that may apply.

Vehicle National Permit Details: Conditions & Rules

To obtain a national permit for your vehicle, it is necessary to review the national permit regulations of the country. The rules for obtaining a national permit for cars, two-wheelers, interstate passenger vehicles, and trucks are all distinct. The conditions and rules to be adhered to in order to obtain a national permit are as follows, according to the national permit system:

Under Rule 86 and 87 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules of 1989, a national permit is issued for a minimum of four contiguous states, which includes the home state. A vehicle must not be more than 12 years old to be eligible for a national permit. The maximum age for a multi-axle vehicle to obtain a national permit is 15 years.

To apply for a vahan national permit, it is necessary to complete Forms 46 and 48. A motor cab’s national permit expires nine years after the date of issuance, while other vehicle permits expire after eight years. When renewing a national permit, an application and renewal fee must be submitted 15 days before the permit’s expiration date.

If the vehicle covered by the permit is replaced, the permit holder can substitute it with another vehicle of the same category with the approval of the issuing authority, which is permissible for a period of four months.


A national permit is a legal document that allows goods vehicles to operate outside of their home state in India. The permit is issued in accordance with Rule 86 & 87 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.

To obtain your national permit receipt, please follow these instructions:

  1. Visit the official website at
  2. Select the “Print Receipt” icon located at the bottom of the page.
  3. Enter your vehicle registration number along with the last five characters of the chassis number.
  4. Click on the “Show Receipt” button.
  5. Your national permit receipt will be displayed, which you can download and print.

An all-India Permit is a type of permit that allows commercial vehicles to travel across all states in India. It is further divided into different categories such as permit for taxis, buses, trucks, and other goods carriers.